Welcome Families

Children should not be seen as the Church of Tomorrow. Instead, they need to have an active part in the Church of Today!
Here at the ‘Mill’ we greatly value and treasure our children. So whether your child is an infant or a young teen, we have something for them.
Check out our various programs listed on the right side of the page to see what will work best for you and your child! We look forward to seeing you and your child soon!

Sunday School
All Ages

Prior to the Sunday Morning Worship Service, the church offers bible studies for all age levels, including adults. The children’s Sunday School time is set up with four different classes for the various age levels. Each class’ curriculum is geared for the appropriate ages of children and is centered on the students growing closer to God.

Ages 0-2

For the families with toddlers and infants, we offer a nursery so that parents can be a part of the services. The nursery is staffed by dedicated church members that are ready to help in any way.

Children's Church
Ages 3-8

Our Children’s Church service is dismissed after the worship part of our main service as we believe it is important for families to worship together. Each Sunday your child ages 3-8 can be a part of an exciting environment filled with games, crafts and teaching the Word of God on their level. It is our desire that they will build friendships, and most importantly learn to know and love God.

Kingdom Kidz
Ages 3-8

When ministering to ages 3-8 on Wednesday evenings, we make sure that every child we meet knows they are special, unique and a one of kind gift from God. It is our desire to provide your children with an environment where they will grow in their knowledge and faith in Jesus Christ. Your child will learn new songs, make crafts and hear a Bible story lesson in a safe and loving environment.



Ages 9-12

God's Secret Servants is a group for the children between the ages of 9-12. GSS focuses on our youth by building relationships, playing games, memorizing scripture and studying God’s Word in a way that is relevant. Our GSS leaders are passionate about equipping our young people with looking to the Word for answers to their questions. We believe that is an important aspect in the mentoring of our youth in an ever increasing God-less culture.

Christ In Action (C.I.A.)
Ages 13-18

Christ In Action student ministry is geared at teens between the ages of 13-18. We talk on a number of biblical topics including: faith, love, prayer, worship, integrity, humility, and creation. In addition to these biblical topics we talk about the struggles teens face today such as: peer pressure, bullying, dating relationships, abstinence, and religious persecution. We try to get the teens as biblically and morally rooted as possible so that when the storms of this life come against them they stand strong and tall.

Click Here For More Information
Vacation Bible School
Ages 3-12

Vacation Bible School, or as we call it VBS, is the most challenging and satisfying program that the Mill does every year. It takes a lot of people giving of their time and talents to make it a success. Each summer we pick a theme. Then go to work creating a world, where the children of the community can come for a few hours a day. For one week in the summer, the children learn about God in a fun and challenging way.

Click Here For More Information