
We here at the Barrs Mill Church of God believe ultimate joy and fullness of life begins with our ‘Soil’. If one’s ‘soil’ (heart) is soft and pliable it will hear and accept the ‘Good News’ that Jesus Christ saves! Beyond our doors you will find many people, from different walks of life who have softened their heart and found that fullness of life in Jesus Christ, and their lives are producing an abundant harvest.

Whether you decide to visit our church or simply want to explore our website, we pray you will continue to see ‘soils’ lovingly serving and praising our God! May the Lord richly bless you!

What We Believe

The Church of God (Anderson, Indiana) is a worldwide movement of people seeking to fulfill God's desire for the church. We are committed to studying the Word of God and faithfully living it out. We are committed to being the body of Christ in spirit, word, and deed. We commit ourselves to the mission that Jesus Christ gave every believer: to make disciples of all nations. We seek to love and serve all people, beginning with those within our sphere of activity and influence.

While we have this core identity, you will find a great diversity of thought and practice within the Church of God. Despite our differences, we share a journey of faith, growing together into the fullness of Christ (Ephesians 4:13). We worship, serve, and grow together as citizens of God's kingdom. We celebrate our life in Christ and embrace our call to be the body of Christ to our world—all to the glory of God.

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I'm New Here?
When are your worship services?

Sunday school begins at 9:15 AM followed by our main worship services at 10:30 AM.

If you are considering joining us for a service, we hope you'll find a place where you are warmly welcomed and feel at home, even if you've never been to church before. No matter where you are in your understanding of Jesus Christ, our prayer is that you will come to know him better. We want to help you get to know God better and enable you to become who he's created you to be.

We have an excellent children's church program for children from birth through high school.  We recommend you arrive approximately 15-20 minutes before the service so you won't feel rushed.

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Our History

Since the early 1900s, the Church of God (Anderson) has had a presence in the area.  In 1939, a small group of families came together and purchased the abandoned church for $300. These families became the first parishioners of the Barrs Mill Church of God. Many of the original families still attend today. This is a testament to the fact that one group's sacrifice can have a lasting effect for generations.

The growth of the spiritual church and the construction of a new building, is a testament to doing the will of God. The sacrifice of few has helped bring generations of people to Christ. 

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