In the Spring of 2019, the Barrs Mill congregation was blessed to find a man after God’s heart. Pastor Josh Wilson, after years of ministry work, came to Ohio to spread the gospel and lead our congregation. The Wilson family has brought their talents and spiritual gifts to make our church even better.

Here are a few pieces of information about Pastor Josh that may help you get to know him.


Where Is Josh Wilson From: 

Pastor Josh was born in Greensburg, PA. He spent most of his life in Greenville, PA. 



He graduated in 2003 from Reynolds High School, in Greenville, PA. He has taken classes through Warner University and Mid-America Christian University. 


Salvation Experience: 

“I accepted Christ when I was around 8 years old. God has been faithful in shaping my spiritual walk ever since. I always knew that God was calling me to ministry in some way. Over the years, He has opened many doors to serve Him in ministry.” 


Ministry Experience: 

Pastor Josh began ministry at the Church of God in Butler, PA, as Associate Pastor of Jr. High Youth. From 2009-2019, he was Associate Pastor of worship at the Church of God in Brookville, PA.



He is married to Jamie and blessed with two children, Christian and Rylee. 



Playing music, fishing, golfing, escape rooms, cooking 


Favorite Way to Spend Your Free Time:

Anything with Jamie, Christian, and Rylee. 


Favorite Food: 

Anything cooked on a grill or in a smoker. 


Favorite Drink: 

Cherry Coke 


Favorite Read (Besides the Bible):

Anything by A.W. Tozer or Andrew Murray


Favorite Sports Team:

Pittsburgh Penguins

Contact Pastor Josh

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